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A Mouse Divided

a-mouse-divided-bookWalt Disney World started an 18-month celebration of its 50th anniversary on October 1, 2021. Walt Disney himself was born on December 5, 1901 and died on December 15, 1966. He would have been 120 years old this December.  Mickey Mouse, Disney’s most famous cartoon creation, was created in 1928. Mickey is now 93 years old, but of course, he is ageless. Children grew up seeing Mickey on toys, in movies, in books and on clothes.

Just about everybody knows about Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse, but few know about a man named Ub Iwerks. Ub was Walt’s friend and business partner for ten years. Both Walt and Urb attempted to sketch a cartoon animal to promote Walt Disney Studios. Ultimately, after many attempts, it was Ub who came up with the final mouse sketch that would be Mickey. Ub was an accomplished animator by profession. Walt became more involved in Mickey’s actions and personification but took credit for the mouse’s creation. Ub did not agree with Walt’s version of Mickey’s portrayal, and a year after Mickey’s creation, Ub and Walt parted ways.

In Jeff Ryan’s book, A Mouse Divided: How Ub Iwerks Became Forgotten and Walt Disney Became Uncle Walt, he writes about his time researching the draft of a Walt Disney biography written by Richard Hubler that was never published, but survives in a box at Boston University’s Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center. It is an in-depth account of the history of the creation of the Disney empire.

Anyone who reads A Mouse Divided should look at Ryan’s website, amousedivided.com. It has quotes from family members, friends and Walt himself during personal interviews. His wife, Lilly, said “He was so much more a director than an artist.” Ub Iwerks commented that “Walt was a cartoonist, not an artist. His biggest ambition in those days was to have a comic strip of his own.” Walt said of himself “I hide behind the mouse.” Ryan also includes the video cartoons that each chapter of his book describes. Some of the videos have been taken down because of copyright restrictions, but many are still visible and reflect a bit of the history of the early Disney creations.

Ub Iwerk’s son Dan, a former Disney executive, wrote the book Walt Disney’s Ultimate Inventor: The Genius of Ub Iwerks. It not only documents Ub’s little known contribution to the Disney legend and his technical genius, but contains  never-before-published photographs and fascinating personal memories that span a 50 year remarkable career.

Regardless of the complicated early history of the Disney empire, Disney theme parks are a must see at least once in a lifetime. They capture the ultimate in magic and imagination and should be especially spectacular during this 50th anniversary celebration.  If you do think you may have a trip to Walt Disney World in your future, you should take a look at two books before you start. Walt Disney World Hacks: 350+ Park Secrets for Making the Most of Your Walt Disney World Vacation by Susan Veness gives helpful tips for planning your trip and insightful ideas to make the visit the most memorable. For the children, Secrets of Walt Disney World: Weird and Wonderful Facts about the Most Magical Place on Earth by Dinah Williams discloses interesting and unique facts about the theme park before a visit.

Walt Disney said, “Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.” Walt is also quoted as once saying, “I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse.” Ub Iwerks would certainly agree.

Norma Logan is the Literacy Volunteer Coordinator at the Morrill Memorial Library in Norwood, MA. Look for her article in the December 9, 2021 issue of the Transcript and Bulletin.

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