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Book Nutrition: Different Ways to Feed the Brain

Recently, the staff in the Children’s Room has been noticing a trend in children’s and young adult literature: lots of adults take out and read books traditionally written for young people. This is certainly because literature for kids is now being marketed more widely than ever before. Film producers and directors are mining the rich landscape of books aimed at children to find their next big hit on the silver screen. Some books almost seem to be written with the potential optioning of movie rights in mind. It’s no wonder with all that exposure that our collections in the Children’s room have received more adult attention.

We’ve also noticed authors blur the traditional boundaries between audience and genres. In years past, publishers would help authors focus on what group of people their books were for and in what specific genre their story ideas would fit. More than ever, book plots defy categorization and we end up reading reviews for the next “paranormal historical mystery with a dash of suspense.” These types of unique plots make for a more interesting read and attract more adult readers.

Most importantly, children’s librarians are starting to see a division in the tone of children’s literature. In prior decades, children’s books were written with kids in mind but an author’s prose and themes were often held to adult fiction standards. Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time” explores a universal coming-of-age story, but well-written characters and fully developed motifs helped adults engage in this classic novel. In more recent times, there are definitely books that were published with a child audience in mind and speak to directly to how kids really feel and experience reality. Jeff Kinney’s “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series seems to mirror exactly how kids react when faced with tough ethical decisions. Children respond to Greg Heffley, the flawed main character – the book’s humor and lack of preachy adults to correct bad behavior. Many adults cringe at the lack of moral fiber in these titles but they have also turned so many children into readers that it’s hard to dismiss the power of reliability.

In contrast to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, books like Kate DiCamillo’s “Raymie Nightingale” and “Louisiana’s Way Home” are seemingly marketed to children but have an adult, reflective tone to the narrative. Both novels center around twelve year old girls who experience the loss of an adult family member and changes to the family structure while figuring out what it means to transition from the innocent world of childhood to the more challenging reality of adulthood. Both of these books are beautifully written with poignant characterization and dialogue, but I just don’t think most actual twelve year old girls can actually reflect on their circumstances as maturely as Raymie and Louisiana do. Many children experience the family difficulties both girls endure, but few are able to come to the self-possessed realizations and forgiveness both girls find at the end of their stories. Simply put, adult perspectives are masquerading as unrealistic growth in a juvenile protagonist. It should come as no surprise that both books received rave reviews and awards, but most kids bypass them and head straight to other series that meet them where they are.

There is nothing wrong with either approach in children’s literature, and they each serve a different function. Stories that reflect the true inner emotional life and secret wishes of children will always have a strong pull for most young readers. These books are the sweet treats of the book world; they are sugary, appealing, and go down easy for most kids. Books that have a little more emotional depth and meatier, more complex themes are the good nutrition we feed to kids to help their brains and moral imagination strengthen and grow. These stories stick with kids and are great for reading with others and re-reading as kids grow up. We are more forgiving with adult reading choices, and if we can understand the different purposes and audiences that children’s books can reach, we might be more understanding with kids as well.

Kate Tigue is the Head of Youth Services at the Morrill Memorial Library in Norwood, MA. Look for her article in the November 29, 2018 edition of the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin.

Kate Tigue

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