We’re open! Hours today are 9:00am – 9:00pm
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Browsing Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 9:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm

Museum Passes

Generously funded in part by the Women’s Community Committee of Norwood.

Reserve a Pass:

  • You may reserve museum passes by selecting the Museum from the list below, and clicking on "Details/Reserve" or by calling the library at: 781-769-0200, option 1. Note: An online reservation confirmation is not the Museum Pass, you must come in to the library to pick up your reserved pass.
  • A valid Minuteman Library Network card is required to reserve a pass.
  • Passes may be reserved up to 28 days in advance; there is a limit of four passes per household within any 28 day period.

Pickup a Pass:

  • Passes may be picked up one week before the date of reservation. This excludes our returnable passes which can only be picked up on the day of your visit or one day before.
  • The library card used to reserve the pass must be presented to check out the pass.
  • All fines must be paid before a pass is checked out.
  • If you need to cancel your reservation please contact the library (781-769-0200, Option 1) before the date of your reservation.
  • A fine of $5 will be charged for any physical passes that are abandoned and not picked up; this does not apply to passes which are cancelled.

Return a Pass:

  • Some of our passes must be returned. These include: Hale, Massachusetts State Parks (Department of Conservation and Recreation), and USS Constitution Museum.
  • A Museum Pass must be returned on the same day it is used, or before 9:00am the day after use.
  • To return passes when the library is not open, please drop passes in the book drop.
  • The pass must be returned to the Morrill Memorial Library.
  • The overdue fine is $5.00 per day; the Museum Pass replacement fee is $30.00.

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