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Browsing Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 9:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm

The Norwood Seed Library is a collection of seeds available to all free of charge. Our seed selection includes popular veggies, herbs, native plants, and ornamental flowers.

The goal of this service is to provide seeds to the community and encourage gardeners to learn and grow with their gardens, as well as learn how to save seeds from their best plants. Made possible by a Norwood Cultural Council grant to the Norwood Conservation Commission.

Contact Us:

Have questions about the Norwood Seed Library, or want to stay informed about future seed-related volunteer opportunities? Please call or send us an email!
Phone: Morrill Memorial Library Reference Department 781-769-0200, ext. 2.

Borrowing Seeds:

  • Take a maximum of 5 packets of different varieties of seeds, with no more than two packets of the same seeds.
  • Planting instructions are available in the Seed Catalog below.
  • Planting instructions are also available in the 3-ring binder at the Norwood Seed Library.
  • Take a picture or make a copy of the planting instruction sheet corresponding to the seeds you selected.
  • Please enter your name and the number of packets you are taking on the check-out sheet.

Growing Seeds:

  • Specific instructions for growing each variety of seed are included below.
  • Start your seeds indoors if required for the plant to grow, or in an enclosed container placed outdoors, including drainage holes at the bottom and holes at the top to let the rain in, with moistened dirt and seeds inside (this process is called “winter-sowing”).
  • Directly sow your seeds outdoors if the seeds you are planting grow later in the season when the weather gets warmer.

Saving Seeds:

  • Although it is not required to harvest and return seeds to Norwood Seed Library, it is our hope that Seed Library patrons will return seeds from their harvest, making the library self-sustaining.
  • Different plants will require different methods of collecting and saving the seeds. Additional guidance is available here. Or from our Guide below.
  • Seed Saving Guide, to assist with saving seeds to preserve viability.

Returning Seeds:

Make sure your saved seeds are dry, and if they are, you can then safely place the seeds you collected in an envelope and write down the following information:

  • Seed name, variety, and species (if known)
  • Where the seed came from
  • Date the seed was harvested
  • Bring your envelope(s) to the Circulation front desk on the 1st floor of the Morrill Memorial Library.

Growing Information & Guidance

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