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We Are Pleased to Inform You

Sometimes, when I’m speaking with a library patron or member of the public, I’ll hear a phrase that both excites and disappoints my little librarian self: “Oh wow, I had no idea you guys offered that!” On the one hand, this is exciting because I know I’m about to share something that is going to add value to this person’s life – something they’re going to enjoy or at the very least find useful. We are both about to have a rewarding exchange!

I am also disappointed though, because if the person didn’t know we offered something, then we’re not doing a good enough job getting the word out and there’s part of our community we haven’t reached. What happens if we add a service or offering, we announce it, and you happen to miss the announcement? There are so many things about the library we want people to know and take advantage of, but we also don’t want to be “that guy” at the dinner party who can’t stop talking about our passion project.

So, in the spirit of offering as much information as you’re happy to digest in one sitting, allow me to highlight a few digital services we’ve recently added that may have slipped under the radar of your busy summer schedule. We’re very excited to be able to offer free access to these services for Norwood residents, and address a broad range of needs and interests.

Top billing goes to the newest kid on the block: Craftsy (if you’re a crafter, you just sat up straighter in your chair). Just last week we added full unlimited access to the Craftsy website for Norwood patrons. This includes over 1,400 high-quality commercial-free instructional videos across the crafting genres, from knit and crochet to sewing and quilting to weaving and spinning, embroidery, drawing, and painting. Class materials and handouts are provided anytime a pattern, chart, or recipe is used in the class.

Wait, did she just say “recipe?” Yes! You may not think of yourself as a crafter but I bet there’s something for you on this site. Craftsy has lots of cooking and baking videos – there’s a whole section just for cakes! – as well as gardening, woodworking, home decor, and even tons of exercise and yoga videos. From absolute beginner to skills building for seasoned practitioners, Craftsy has something for every skill level.

And who is offering these lessons? Craftsy’s instructors are experts in their fields and professional teachers. I personally can vouch for the excellence of instruction and production value for the knitting videos: thanks to the class “Intarsia: Basics & Beyond” with Sally Melville, I was able to knit my first argyle sweater without fear or fuss last winter! Other knitting instructors include Norah Gaughan, Laura Nelkin, Tanis Gray, Bristol Ivy, Romi Hill, Andrea Wong, Kristy Glass, Susan B. Anderson, Amy Herzog, and many other luminaries from the knitterati.

Another entertaining way to learn through videos is with the Great Courses Library Collection. Ever-popular, The Great Courses need no introduction, offering over 250 video lectures from renowned university lecturers and experts, with new material being added monthly. Topics of interest include Business & Finance, Food & Drink, Health & Mindfulness, History, Music, Literature, Mathematics, Hobbies & Personal Pursuits, Philosophy & Religion, Science, Professional Growth, and Travel & Culture. Popular new releases include “The History and Archaeology of the Bible,” “Experiencing America: A Smithsonian Tour Through American History,” and “Language and the Mind.”

Looking for something more indie or alt? Try IndieFlix! Stream thousands of classic and contemporary features, award-winning shorts, film festival favorites and documentaries from around the world. IndieFlix caters to the whole family with movies and series featuring diverse voices, pop culture favorites, box office hits, and Academy Award winning animation. Recent additions to the IndieFlix lineup include the award-winning Lithuanian film, “Breathing Into Marble,” the award-winning Lithuanian documentary, “When We Talk About KGB,” and the dramedy romance, “Engaged.”

And finally, how about a little night music? Or, music for any time of day? Qello Concerts provides a front-row seat to thousands of full-length concerts and music documentaries, with new content added weekly. Watch Queen perform live in Montreal, then follow the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Bonnaroo. Catch Tupac’s final performance at the House of Blues, and groove out with icons of Woodstock. Can’t remember which Prince documentary your friend recommended? Don’t worry, there are several to choose from on Qello. And that Bob Dylan documentary with rare footage, “The Folk Years,” you can’t find anywhere else? Yup, Qello has that, too.

Where can you find all of this amazing content? All four services are available to Norwood residents through Libby and are available instantly. You will need your library card number and password, and an email address. Once you borrow a service you have one week of unlimited access, watch as many videos as you want with no waiting! As soon as the week is done you can borrow the service again right away.

To access Craftsy, Indieflix, Qello, and The Great Courses Library Collection, use the Libby app on your device or visit on your computer. On the main page scroll down a little to the section called “Extras” to find these new and unique video services. We have even more exciting service coming this fall, so stay tuned! If you have any questions or need a hand, visit the Reference Desk, chat to us on our website, or give us a call at 781-769-0200 x2.

Liz Reed is the Adult and Information Services Department Head at the Morrill Memorial Library in Norwood, MA. Look for her article in the September 2, 2021 issue of the Transcript and Bulletin.

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